Blog Archive

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Week 6 Update

Goals Completed:

  • Received RTC and began work on time code
  • Began working on window assembly
  • Completed work on

For software, we received out real-time clock this week, which means we have everything we need for our electronics. We are in the process of finishing up the Arduino script and adding in the time library components. We have the most of the code to determine the light output for each time; we just need a way to match up our schedule with what the time currently is.
Our main steps in figuring out this part is to simply read up on the various time libraries available and start wiring together the physical RTC unit. Other than that, we just need to keep coding.

Our window prototype, almost ready to be assembled.
Last week in lab, we cut the side pieces of the window too large, forgetting to account for the inset of the ULED panel. This was an easy fix, however: we simply cut a 1/2" parallel to one side of each side piece. We also cut the incision for the panel to slide into, a 1/4" deep cut located 1/4" from the front of the wooden frame piece. Now that all of the cuts have been made, we were ready to assemble the four pieces together, and also, insert the panel.

Next Steps:

  • Begin assembly of window.
  • Finish Arduino script.
  • Begin design proposal draft.

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