Blog Archive

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Week 1 Update

Goals completed:

  • Initial project idea
  • Role Assignments

The very first thing we needed to do this week was to establish our project idea. One that had caught our eye was the idea of programming LED lights to match natural daylight. Matt and Alex like the idea of the programming, and Kevin and Kevin like the idea of mechanical integration

We also assigned roles to each group member. More detailed roles related to the actual building of the project will come once we finalize our idea. For now, here are our roles for the administrative and documentational portions of the project.

  • Matt is the blogmeister.
  • Alex is the lead researcher.
  • Kevin C. is the lead recorder.
  • Kevin L. is the project manager..

Next steps:

  • Finalize project idea
  • Research more about LED daylight matching
  • Complete project proposal


  1. Remember to do your budget and include it, even if you need to update it later. I need the team to develop a flowchart of the anticipated design process. A good flow chart can be seen here:

  2. Include your design sketches here. You can also take photos of the team working together, building the frame, aduino, LEDs, etc.
